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Partnerships of the RAPP-Center

The Collaborative Research Center 1491 - "Cosmic Interacting Matters - From Source to Signal" belongs to our closest partners and collaborators with which we align synergies and resources to advance collaboratively in the complex challenges of the universe. The CRC itself has two focal points in research "Astrophysical Signatures of Cosmic-Ray Transport and Interaction" and "Fundamental Properties of Matter", both of which holding relevance to the mission of the RAPP-Center. To find out more about the SFB1491, visit their website or their Linkedin and Instagram.

The LAMARR Institute for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence represents a strong and long-standing partner of the RAPP-Center. With the RAPP-Center having a focal point on interdisciplinarity, the LAMARR Institute holds important expertise in Machine Learning solutions, enhancing the work of our scientists and through discussions and efficient exchange equiping the members of the RAPP-Center with advanced methods developed at the intersection of Physics and Computer Science. Furthermore, the Lamarr Institute focuses on the research and development of high-performance, trustworthy, and resource-efficient applications of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Its goal is to establish internationally competitive research that sustainably strengthens Germany and Europe as leading locations for research, education, and technology transfer in AI. Please find their website here.